Moving on from the code analysis that I did yesterday in order to understand the different systems and what they are made up of, I continued today with investigating their usage.

There are currently three recommendation systems in place at Tuenti: Friends, Places, and Videos. The former two have been around for a while, whereas Videos launched more recently. This, if nowhere else, can be seen in the code and the code practices used. There is currently no way of measuring whether a user uses the video recommendations, thus, tomorrow I’ll try to set that up.

I wont share any specific numbers yet (hopefully I can do that later). But overall, it’s been fun playing around with Hive and MapReduce. On a huge codebase it is obivously easy to get lost, and that happened more than once. Initially I didn’t think there were any statistics at all for Places. It turned out, once I found where I wanted to add the data collection marker, that it was already there. However, it stored the values in another datastore which wasn’t documented. Do’h!

Waiting for last MapReduce job to complete, then ir a de casa.